S3DB - Simple and Sloppy Semantic Database
The S3DB API (S3QL) was designed to be as close to regular SQL as possible. In order to make use ofthe S3DB API (S3QL) for performing a query, the following elements are required:
the URL where S3DB is installed (if in a local computer, this would be something like http://localhost/s3db)
a key created through the interface (My Account -> Access keys)
1. Build a query using the XML template:
<?xml version="1.0"?>
<select> ... </select>
<from> ... </from>
2. Call the query using the URL + S3QL.php
Ex: http://localhost/s3db1.0/S3QL.php?query=<S3QL><key>sCIUdwfWY3ihujX</key></S3QL>
Call the query from a remote location:
3. Possible select queries:
Select |
From |
Syntax |
project_id, project_name, project_description, project_owner, created_on, created_by |
projects |
rule_id, subject, verb, object, notes, created_on, created_by,project_id, permission |
rules |
resource_id, entity, notes, project_id, created_on,created_by |
collections |
resource_id, entity, notes, project_id, resource_class_id, created_on, created_by |
items |
statement_id, project_id, resource_id, rule_id, value, notes, file_name, created_on, created_by |
statements |
rule_id, action, action_by, action_timestamp, old_subject, old_verb, old_object, old_notes |
rulelog |
account_id, account_uname, account_email, account_phone, created_on, created_by |
users |
account_id, account_uname, created_on, created_by |
groups |
key_id, account_id, expires, notes |
keys |
4. Additional features:
Functions |
Syntax |
distinct |
max |
min |
count |
count(distinct) |
limit |
offset |
order_by |
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Email: helenadeus@gmail.com, almeida.jonas@gmail.com