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S3DB - Simple and Sloppy Semantic Database

About This Manual
This is the manual for S3DB project. It documents S3DB up to version 0.9.4.
The manual was originally written by Chuming Chen and modified by Helena F Deus. It is maintained by Helena F Deus.

Installation guide
1. Download Source

2. Unpack Source to a web accessible directory (directory at your webspace or below your web server DocumentRoot) further referred as installation directory
(If using WAMP, this folder is usually called "www" under "wamp")

3. Create a mySQL/PostgreSQL database and a user with full administration privileges
(If using WAMP, open the MySQL console on the WAMP icon)


If you downloaded tar.gz file

$cd installation directory

$tar zxvf s3db.x.x.x.tar.gz

If you downloaded zip file

$cd installation directory

$unzip s3db.x.x.x.zip


You can use the zip file utility for windows. i.e. WinZip to upack the S3DB zip file.

  • Create a database and a database user privileged to fully access this database
  • MySQL

    $mysql -uroot mysql -p

    mysql> create database s3db;

    mysql> grant all privileges on s3db.* to s3dbuser@localhost identified by 's3dbpass';

    mysql> flush privileges;

    Note: The commands above are just an example, you should change the database name, host name, user and password to something only you know.


    $su postgres

    $psql template1

    template1=# create user s3dbuser with password 's3dbpass' createdb;

    $psql -Us3dbuser template1

    template1=> create database s3db;

    Note: The commands above are just an example, you should change the database name, host name, user and password to something only you know.

    4. Point your browser to the url where you installed S3DB, for example: http://localhost/s3db and follow the instructions to set up the S3DB (i.e. create database tables, set up site administrator account). See example below.

    • Adjust the values in the form and click "Create Configuration" to finish S3DB Site Configuration
    • Note: Make sure your web server can write to your installation directory

    • Give a password for the S3DB site administrator, the login will be "Admin"
    • <img src=">

    • Click "Enter S3DB" to login as generic S3DB site administrator
    • Create a user account (with or without administrator privileges)

    • Next / Table of Contents

      Email: helenadeus@gmail.com, almeida.jonas@gmail.com

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    © 2006 Helena F Deus & Jonas Almeida